Tuesday, November 22, 2005

You grows up and you grows up..

I seriously can't get enough of this guy!!! Thank goodness, though, i'm not the only one.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Doggy Style

This weekend, both human and canine friends came over to celebrate Dryfus' 1 year anniversary of finding his forever home. It was total chaos, and I loved it. Kids, dogs, birthday cake, and homemade doggy biscuits, what more could you ask for? Special thanks to Jaclyn for helping me out with party preparations and a mad dash through target and petsmart. Also, big thanks to Nilay for bringing some "butch" to the party and setting up a gate in the backyard so the pups could run around safely (hehe, if you're reading this, I know you're hating it!) and all my other friends who came over to help celebrate.
I will conclude with a short list I came up with that points out the similarities between my dog, Dryfus, and Jesus.
1. Shady/unknown parentage
2. Wandered the streets without a home
3. Spread hope and joy
4. Have many followers
5. Loyal friends
6. Forgive me if I sin
7. Have names that end in "us"
8. Need haircuts

if you are still reading this, thank you for your indulgence.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

revelation of master proportion

Today my professor made me wonder if i would be able to recognize the devil when he commented, "satan comes through the backdoor."