Monday, June 27, 2005

best part of my day so far?

Discovering Chuckles in the office vending machine. Rewind about 15 years....picture ten-year-old Regina dripping wet after swim team practice, hanging out at the RCC pool, carefully opening a pack of Chuckles. Chuckles have always come in a certain order: red, yellow, black, orange, green. I would always start at the green end, there fore saving the best flavor -red, duh- for my last bite. Each individual Chuckles has five lines that crease across the top of each delicious jelly candy. So naturally, I consumed each Chuckle in five bites. Nibbles, really. Five bites, six Chuckles, this process took me a while, but so worth it when i got to that final, red Chuckle. Today, after not tasting a Chuckle for a good 10 years, I began my snack in usual form- on the green end. The sugared rectangles were smaller than I remembered and dividing each piece into five individual bites was nearly impossible as my teeth must be bigger now, or my patience smaller. The yellow flavor still sucks, my taste buds still go numb by the time I reach the black. Chuckles, after all these years have stayed true to form-- no tropical or extreme flavors for these candies. Green, Orange, Black, Yellow, Red. Kudos to Chuckles for not giving into marketing ploys or fancy packaging or advertising in general. I like my Chuckles just the way they are.

1 comment:

J said...

reg, i am glad to see that you have a blog. i find your outlook on things very enjoyable so far. :)