Tuesday, August 09, 2005

the startup

i think i have finally reached the point where i have to leave my job. i've been holding out, thinking things would certainly, finally, eventually, turn around. but no. i took many quizzies today: what english dialect do you speak? 80% normal English, 15% upper midwestern and 5% yankee. what were in your past life? an obese beekepper in siberia. how weird are you? 30%, just weird enough to freak myself out, but not anyone else. those are the only ones i can remember the results for. also, some of you were on the recieving end of my afternoon reading...."you know you're from wisconsin when...." and "you know you're from chicago when....." no, machine politics does not bother me, and yes, i do keep the AC on till november.
so anyway, career change. don't laugh. but how about a gourmet pet bakery? i could do it from home and mail orders....or open up shop in my verrrrry dog friendly neighborhood. i'm not much of a cook, but how hard can be to make biscuits? really. i'ma lso not a very good salesperson, nor do i have a head for numbers, and i do have issues with adverstising, marketing and any sort of self-promotion. but whatever, i have a vision and it looks like fun fun fun! no more sitting at a desk, in a cube, getting fat for me....just helping the puppies (maybe i could donate to shelters on the weekend....have in bakery adoption events.....oh wow) and ripping off the yuppies! ha!


J said...

die stupid nonsense comment, die!
reg, i really like your idea for the doggie bakery. sounds like you have a lot of great ideas. i say go for it. you could probably start it up at your job now. just start selling them in the park on the weekends or something to get some startup cash and get your name and the biscuits out there. good luck!!

J said...

where'd ya go?